Project Juffure is working to create a village that helps lift families in south St. Pete out of the cycle of generational poverty by helping children and their families access education, entrepreneurial, arts and athletic opportunities.

Past Programs

Math Boot Camps:  We have offered 3 week summer math boot camps to students transitioning from middle school to high school.  These camps were completely free and taught by an award winning Florida certified teacher.

Book Free:  The Book Free is a Project Juffure signature event.  We believe that readers are leaders.  We also believe that children being able to come “shop” for books with their adult role model makes a lasting impression on the importance of reading.  These free book fairs are set up just like a school book fair with all brand new books and reading accessories.  Each registered child is able to come “shop” for and select their own books and at check out no money is exchanged only smiles.

Athletic Scholarships:  Many of our board members have expressed how lasting the impact of little league sports were on them.  The ROSS scholarship grants scholarships that allow children from south St. Pete to participate in little league sports.  We never want finances to be the reason our young athletes miss out on the chance to enjoy hard work, team work, a coach mentor and the experience of fans clapping and screaming their name from the sidelines.  

Essay Contests:  We love to hear what our high school students have to say.  Our essay contest happens in May and awards cash prizes to students who are challenged to submit essays on a variety of topics including leadership, innovation, and community.  The winners are recognized at an event that honors Malcolm X.

Upcoming Programs